Privacy Policy


CALHETA VIVA takes the privacy and protection of its users' data very seriously.


1. Scope

This policy ("Policy") establishes the terms under which CALHETA VIVA (whose identity and contact details are provided in point 12 of this Policy) handles any personal data collected from you or provided to us when using CALHETA VIVA's mobile applications, the time and reason for collection, the form of use, the conditions under which we may disclose them to third parties and how we keep them safe. Please read carefully to understand our policy and practices regarding your personal data and how to handle it.


2. Data provided in the contact form

Mobile applications guarantee privacy and security when dealing with data provided by the user, only data relating to the photograph shared by the user in the "electronic postcard" section are collected, either in the option to send it directly to another contact, or in the sharing option on the page facebook of Calheta Viva.

The only data collected are the photograph voluntarily sent by the user and the destination email address, which is not recorded on the server, after the automatic email has been sent by the user.

Any person whose data has been collected has the right to access any data provided, as well as to rectify or request their updating, without prejudice to other rights legally granted to the data subjects and further specified below.

By accessing mobile applications or any content found therein, the user declares that he accepts this privacy policy, which may be changed at any time, and therefore, it is advisable to consult it periodically to verify its content.

We detail below the information handling practices we have adopted for use in mobile applications, including how data is collected and used and with whom it is shared.

As part of our privacy policy, we make the following commitments for the benefit of users:

• Treat data in a legal and trustworthy manner, collecting only the data necessary and pertinent to the purpose for which they are intended and as indicated;

• Allow individuals whose data have been collected to access and correct their stored data, reporting such data in clear language that strictly corresponds to the content of the records kept;

• Not to use the collected data for a purpose that is incompatible with the purpose that determined its collection;

• Keep data accurate and, if necessary, current;

• Ensure that the consent of the holder of the personal data is obtained whenever necessary;

• Guarantee the right to delete the data used when requested by the user, free of charge;

• Have systems installed that prevent access, alteration, destruction or addition of data by persons who are not authorized to do so, and that allow the detection of information leaks, whether intentional or not;

• Respect the duty of confidentiality in relation to the processed data;

• Do not establish links between personal data, except in cases authorized by law.


For the purposes of receiving push notifications, only the unique identifier of the device is collected and recorded on the server, and no personal data is recorded or correlated.


3. How do we use the information?

Any information provided by a user is treated with respect for the legal principles and duties that govern and protect the personal data of any holder. The data collected is used to establish a relationship with the user, responding to complaints/suggestions or other requests made.


4. Who do we share this information with?

The information collected will be exclusively used by CALHETA VIVA, which will be able to communicate the collected data to the judicial authorities or entities with powers to intervene in the areas on which the complaints or suggestions received relate.


4. External links?

As part of the services provided to our customers, our apps may contain links to third-party websites (ie websites owned by companies other than CALHETA VIVA) that we believe may contain useful information. This privacy policy does not apply to these websites. If you would like information about the privacy policies, confidentiality agreements and data collection and distribution procedures adopted by these sites, you should contact them directly.


5. How long do we keep your data?

The personal data collected will be kept in such a way as to allow the identification of the user only for the period necessary to pursue the purposes of collection or further processing, after which they will be deleted.


6. Rights you have

You can request access to view, change, update or remove the personal information we hold in connection with your use of the website or mobile applications by contacting us using the details provided below. Under specific legally provided conditions, you also have the right to request us to restrict the processing of your personal data, as well as its elimination, as well as the right to data portability, and requests corresponding to the exercise of these rights must be addressed to us, by written request, to the contact details provided below.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority on personal data, currently the National Personal Data Commission.


7. Update of this Privacy Policy

We may occasionally update this Privacy Notice. When this is the case, we will post updates to this Privacy Policy indicating the effective date of the update. If we make any material changes to the way we collect and use your personal information then we will also take other reasonable additional steps to inform you (which may include contacting you by email if we have your email address ). When required by law, we will seek your affirmative consent to such material changes.


9. Copyright

The contents and design of mobile applications are property of CALHETA VIVA. The copying of information or data and, in particular, the use, in whole or in part, of text and images, the name “CALHETA VIVA” and the respective logo, require the prior written consent of CALHETA VIVA. In any case, this information cannot be used for profit or offensive purposes, altered or manipulated without express mention of this fact.


10. Disclaimer Statement

CALHETA VIVA manages these mobile applications in order to provide citizens and companies with access to information about its activity. Notwithstanding the ongoing effort made by CALHETA VIVA to ensure the quality of online content and services, as well as the veracity of the information provided, CALHETA VIVA cannot guarantee that it is complete or updated at all times. CALHETA VIVA cannot guarantee that the contents, software, products and services of the mobile applications are free from errors or technical failures, with the consequence that the non-interruption or disruption of the service due to such problems cannot be guaranteed. CALHETA VIVA declines any responsibility for any damages or problems that may arise as a result of the use of this website and mobile applications or any other services or external sites linked to it, and over which CALHETA VIVA has no control. This disclaimer is not intended to limit R CALHETA VIVA's liability in a way that contravenes the provisions of current legislation.


11. Access and changes to the website

Access to certain areas of CALHETA VIVA's apps may, when indicated, be subject to prior registration by the user. CALHETA VIVA reserves the right, absolute and not subject to justification, to suspend, change, add or remove part of the content of mobile applications at any time and restrict its use and accessibility.


12. Contact Information

Calheta City Council

Av. D. Manuel I, 46, 9370-135 Vila da Calheta

Tel: (+351) 820 200